The pain success rate also known as pain treatment success rate and pain relief success rate for any pain treatment is defined as the number of patients successfully getting rid of at least 50% of their initial pain symptoms after a specific pain treatment whether it be surgical, injection or other minimally invasive treatments such as laser treatments. An accepted rate is 50% of patients treated get at least 50% of their initial pain symptoms relieved. The latter is the gold standard of many clinical trials testing the effectiveness of numerous pain treatments. We are proud to note that at Advanced Interventional Pain Center, our success rate after treating 3000 individual patients without using any narcotics or addictive medications, is over 90% of patients getting 100% or complete pain relief with only 10% of the patients getting less than 100% or incomplete pain relief. Our pain treatments provide long lasting pain relief in a variety of conditions and permanent pain relief in certain tough to treat pain conditions for which there is no known cure nationally or internationally. See comprehensive information below for individual pain conditions:
Pain Treatment Success Rate: Compare Our Incredible Pain Treatment Results to Other Pain Treatments Nationally and Internationally
Pain Condition Treated
Post Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles) |
Vascular Pain of Lower Extremities with Early Necrotic Changes |
CRPS without initial nerve injury |
Pelvic pain in women with negative laparoscopic findings |
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) |
Outcomes at AIPC without using pain medications* |
Permanent Pain Relief in Most Cases |
Permanent Pain Relief without surgery with reversal of early necrosis |
Permanent Pain Relief in most cases |
Permanent Pain Relief in most cases |
Long Term Pain Relief with innovative LILA® laser treatments (not FDA approved) |
Outcomes as Reported in US Medical Literature |
Only temporary and incomplete pain relief |
Surgery Recommended, Permanent pain relief doubtful |
Temporary relief with pain medications |
Temporary relief with pain medications |
Management with more surgical treatments, pain medications, stimulators and pumps |
Outcomes as Reported elsewhere in the World |
Only temporary and incomplete pain relief |
Surgery Recommended. Permanent pain relief doubtful |
Temporary relief with pain medications |
Temporary relief with pain medications |
Management with more surgical treatments, pain medications, stimulators and pumps |
Advanced Interventional Pain Center Treats a Broad Range of Pain Conditions
Pain Condition
1. Back pain (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) from facet joint arthritis |
2. Back pain from failed back surgery syndrome |
3. SI joint pain |
4. Shoulder pain |
5. Hip joint pain (includes those with failed hip replacements) |
6. Knee pain (includes those with failed knee replacements) |
7. Radiculitis (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) without paralysis or more than grade I anterio-posterior spondylolisthesis. Note: lateral spondylolisthesis causing radiculitis responds to treatments |
8. Vascular pain, early necrosis |
9. Post herpetic neuralgia |
10. CRPS (without initial nerve injury) |
11. Chronic pelvic pain in women without intra-abdominal pathology |
12. Chronic headaches |
13. Costochondritis (from surgery eg., sternotomy, thoracotomy) |
14. Costochondritis, age related |
15. Heel spur (Calcaneal spur) |
Non Painful Conditions |
16. Lymph edema (benign, non cancer related) |
17. Lymph edema, cancer related |
18. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating of hands) |
Success rate(s) (total or 100% pain free in 90% patients). Pain relief period after a single session of NON LASER treatments at Advanced Interventional Pain Center (in Non-smokers) |
1. 6 to 8 months without using neuroablation. A few patients received up to 2 years of pain relief. |
2. 6 to 8 months or more |
3. 6 to 8 months |
4. 8 months to a year or more |
5. 6 months |
6. 6 months without using synvisc or similar drugs. |
7. 1 year or more with resolution of the herniated disks. No surgery is required. |
8. Permanent pain relief with reversal of early necrosis, no surgery required, no repeat treatments required. One patient had a blocked popliteal graft, still received permanent pain relief. |
9. Permanent pain relief, no repeat treatments required. |
10. Permanent pain relief, no repeat treatments required. |
11. Permanent pain relief, no repeat treatments required. |
12. Varies. Permanent pain relief in some, palliative in others. Treatments reduce the intensity of headaches and frequency of visits to ER. |
13. Permanent pain relief, no repeat treatments required. |
14. Varies, mostly permanent pain relief. Some patients require treatments every 3 to 5 months. |
15. Permanent pain relief in most cases. 6 to 8 months or more in obese individuals. |
Treatment outcomes at Advanced Interventional Pain Center |
16. Permanent resolution of edema |
17. Greater than 50% resolution with 1 treatment. |
18. Permanent resolution of symptoms with 1 to 2 treatments |
Limitations to Successful Treatments and Pain Relief Period
Patients who are heavy tobacco users (whether chewing or smoking) do not receive long term pain relief as seen in non-tobacco users. Pain relief in tobacco smokers has been quantified by Advanced Interventional Pain Center (AIPC). For e.g. those who smoke ½ pack per day (10 cigarettes), the pain relief period following therapeutic facet injections is around 6 weeks, at which time these patients note return of pain symptoms. Those who smoke a pack per day note that pain relief is not sustained beyond 3 weeks. Heavy smokers who smoke 2-3 packs per day are not expected to get any pain relief from interventional pain procedures beyond a few days. IT IS ALSO THE OBSERVTAION OF AIPC THAT SPOUSES OF NON SMOKERS ARE AT RISK OF INHALING AT LEAST 1/2 OF A SMOKER’S TOBACCO INTAKE. This fact is further evidenced when house hold members of heavy smokers seek pain treatments at AIPC and experience poor pain relief after pain interventions characteristic of tobacco smokers. FEMALE SMOKERS ARE TWICE AS VULNERABLE AS MALE SMOKERS. For e.g. females who smoke 1/2 pack of cigarettes have poor pain relief outcomes equivalent to that of a male smoker who smokes 1 pack per day.
A similar trend is also noted in those who smoke cannabis or marijuana with lack of long term pain relief following interventional pain procedures. AIPC is however, yet to quantify the latter due to a small number of patients presented at AIPC who smoke marijuana.
The absence of long term pain relief following therapeutic injections in the aforementioned patients is due to lack of vasodilatation needed to heal the injured or inflamed anatomic pain generator following an injection. Tobacco induced vasoconstriction prevents healing and repair of the inflammatory pain focus often resulting in return of pain symptoms. Unfortunately, tobacco users with chronic pain think their pain can be cured or mitigated without tobacco cessation by undergoing highly invasive procedures under anesthesia such as open back surgery, laminectomy with or without posterior rod fixation. This line of thinking is wrong as higher the invasiveness, even worse is the outcome. A larger incision requires more blood flow to heal which a smoker is not capable of providing. Their immediate post operative pain relief is often confounded with the use of heavy narcotic and other addictive medications which have no relation to the surgical treatments they had received for pain relief. Instead of mandating tobacco cessation, often these patients are recommended spinal cord stimulators (SCS) as the next step, which also subsequently fail to provide any long term pain relief.
Along the same lines, patients with severe systemic disease such as diabetics with hearing loss, those with severe underlying cardiovascular, renal or neurological disease and those with auto immune disorders fail to improve with drug based pain interventions due to the lack of ability to improve blood flow to the treated anatomic pain generator. Unlike tobacco users however, they may respond to ablative treatments.
Unfortunately, tobacco users do not respond to any interventional or invasive pain treatment modality including ablative treatments, unless tobacco cessation has been achieved in full, at least 48 hours before procedural treatments and maintained indefinitely thereafter. AIPC has observed long term pain relief and permanent relief characteristic of non-tobacco users in patients who have discontinued tobacco use before commencement of interventional pain procedures and refrained from using tobacco thereafter. Advanced Interventional Pain Center strongly advocates for the cessation of all tobacco products as they consistently undermine the health of an individual on multiple fronts.
Pain Relief and Functional Improvement Without Surgery Even in Severe Cases of Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Deformity